The Orlando shooting happened yesterday, and I bought my first newspaper.

Two, actually.

Obviously, I am deeply saddened by this horrific event, but I am also discouraged by the reports that the gunman aligned himself with Muslim beliefs.

With the coming election, this tragedy will be paraded out at every opportunity as evidence of each candidate’s opinions. I imagine this may prove to be the most grotesque part of the attack.

Please. If you truly wish to honor the memory of all the beautiful souls we lost, please remember the only lesson that can be found in this devastating event.

Please, do not hate.

Don’t waste your time and energy hating. It is understandable to be angry with a singular person who has caused harm, but please don’t hate a group.

No matter how you choose to segregate society, there will be members of each group that cause harm. Equally true, however, is that the vast majority is made up of wonderful, kind, and prismatic individuals. They love freely. They believe truly.

And they do not hate.