Work on Shivering Snivels is coming along! (Slowly)(gumble, grumble) 

The manuscript has its final edit done and our publisher is ready to put together the mock book. 

The next challenge is to see how we will place the text with the images and work out any kinks that might arise. 

This is also when we finalize the illustration style. 

Once that’s approved, we will move on to the final illustrations! 

Whew, is it done yet? ;p

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Shivering Snivels & His Shadow mock book finalized!

Video Chatting with our Shivering Snivels illustrator! Kara and I just hammered out the art for Shivering Snivels & His Shadow. The final mock book is on it's way! Also, hooray for Skype otherwise these two shut-ins would NEVER meet ;p

Video Chatting with our Shivering Snivels illustrator! She and I just hammered out the art for Shivering Snivels & His Shadow. The final mock book is on its way! Also, hooray for Skype otherwise these two shut-ins would NEVER meet ;p

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An original doodle for Shivering Snivels very first fan!

Happy Birthday from Shivering Snivels & His Shadow to our #1 fan, and my friend, Weston Ryan Wilson! He was also our very first supporter and backer! We wish you a spooktastic birthday, and a year filled adventures with your monster friends ♡ @ayyy_im_weston

Happy Birthday from Shivering Snivels & His Shadow

to our #1 fan, and my friend, Weston Ryan Wilson!

He was also our very first supporter and backer! We wish you a spooktastic birthday, and a year filled adventures with your monster friends ♡

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Art work from The Shivering Snivels Trailer!

Here’s your chance to take a closer look at the amazing trailer art. Kara Jaskolka, our amazing artist did the line work and I did the fill work. We managed to create a wonderful trailer in just 6 weeks!

Finalpg1 Finalpg2 Finalpg3 Finalpg4 Finalpg5 Finalpg6 FinalPg7 FinalPg8 FinalPg9 Finalpg10

Kara and I are still playing with the style, and excited to start working in color, but these will go down in history as the first official incarnation of our spooky tale!

Who’s That Monster In The Shadow?

Snivels’ Spotter’s Guide to Monsters

Snivels has been working hard to make an account of the monsters in the world.

Overtime, he will fill this book with every kind of spook and ghoul that a scaredy cat might run into.

Monster in the shadow

Sea Monster


All art by Jessamyn Prince

Help make Shivering Snivels a reality


A Paralyzing Poster by LaluCoo funded by The Shadow Backers!

After a Long Day of Terror,

A Monster Can be Your Best friend

by LaluCoo

by LaluCoo

Shivering Snivels still has a long way to go, but look how much we can get done with so little! I was able to commission LaluCoo to work up some more promotional material for our book.

To see more of her work, go to

So far Shadow Backer donations have already funded Concept art by Drew DeBakker, Concept Art by LaluCoo, finalizing of the manuscript and so much more! 

Become a Shadow Backer

and get weekly updates, exclusive art, and even free merchandise!

Join the notorious group with a donation of ANY amount at

Snivels’ Spotters Guide to Monsters

The first installment of The Spotters Guide to Monsters, rough sketches by yours truly. As you read this, LaluCoo is working on the official versions!

Snivels’ Spotters Guide to Monsters was written with the intention to help you navigate this terror-filled wirld.


by Author – JMP


by Author – JMP

Hug ME When You’re Scared!

The AMAZING LaluCoo, aka Kara Jaskolka, has been turning out some wonderful plushies!

By LaluCoo

By LaluCoo

by LaluCoo

by LaluCoo

These little monsters are just delightful! And SOO huggable.

by LaluCoo

by LaluCoo

by LaluCoo

by LaluCoo

by LaluCoo

by LaluCoo

Kara Jaskolka aka LaluCoo

Kara Jaskolka aka LaluCoo

See more of these lovable plushies at her facebook album

New News!!

Really excited!

LaluCoo, aka Kara Jaskolka, and Drew DeBakker are working RIGHT NOW on spine-tingling new art for the book AND I’m getting a smart phone!

Thank you so much to EVERYONE who donated online.

At $400 I will be able to set up Shivering Snivels Official website!

Then i WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE!!! Muahahaha

My own silly sketches

My own silly sketches

Help me get my business women groove on over at

Breaking News!!!

Urgent Update: Monsters are real!

Be on the lookout for this boy.

art by Kara Jaskolka

art by Kara Jaskolka